*Only 4 Spots Available*

*This Offer Expires on August 31*

Get 12 Weeks of 1-on-1 Sessions With Brian + Access

to ALL of His Products and Courses

Yes, Brian, I want to work with you for 12 weeks over video calls. I know that you can help me dissolve the real roots of all my struggles, fears and frustrations — and I’m ready for it!  

I understand these 12 weeks can bring me more freedom, joy and prosperity than anything else I have ever done. I also understand this is the last chance to get it for $12,222 and that soon the price will be $24,444. Please, enroll me right now while it’s still available at the old price!

You Get:

★ 12 Weekly 1-on-1 Sessions With Brian to Use in 12 Months Since Your Purchase (Price: $12,444 only until August 31.)

12 weeks with Brian can do more than an entire lifetime of studying books and attending seminars. It’s a truly transformational experience - and this is your last chance to get it at the old price.

★ Lifetime access to ALL of Brian’s products and courses (Cost approximately $70,000)

Brian has tools and processes that can help you enhance every area of your life. And you get lifetime access to all of his magic. All the tools that you listen to . . . all the courses . . . all the Spellbreaking sessions and everything else is yours, free!

Hurry, there are only 4 spots available. 
If you’re number 5, sorry, you’ve missed out (check below how many are left).

This offer ends on August 31.

To secure your spot, fill out the secure order form on this page.

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NOTE: If you already signed up for Brian's book or have any other membership account at BrianDRidgway.com, please use the same email you used previously to login.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Only 0 remaining!

  • Total payment
  • 1xNew Beginning Transformation To Liberation Virtual$12222

All prices in USD


Stephanie Sterling

“I am no longer holding myself back from accepting love, joy and abundance”

“Wow! ONE session with Brian D. Ridgway, and I am blown away. He was able to guide me to answers within myself that have been holding me back from accepting love, joy &

abundance. Brian, thank you.”

Carie Jackson

“Brian completely

CHANGED my life”

“Brian completely changed my life. My income, my relationships, my confidence. It is amazing.”

Felicia Slattery

“In one session, Brian

helped me release a

major life issue”

“I’m not into the “woo-woo” fluffy stuff and I was a bit skeptical. But somehow, Brian was able to help me, in one session, to find and release a major life issue that had been holding me back—that I didn’t even know I had! Brian is THE guy who can help you, too.”

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